HEAVY OBJECT / 重装武器 / ヘヴィーオブジェクト 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC 2.0 + AC3 + FLAC 2.1,MKV + MKA 格式。约 900 MB 一集。其中 MKA 文件包含了原盘携带的 2.1CH DTS-HDMA 音轨,请根据需要下载。
重装画面整体锐度较好,存在色度偏移和轻微色度溢出,部分场景存在色带。针对以上问题,我们修复了色度偏移和色度溢出,对存在色带暗场区域做了去色带处理。同时考虑到全片有较多 3D 作画的镜头,还进行了轻微的反锯齿处理。
The images of "HEAVY OBJECT" feature good sharpness. Artifacts include chroma shift, chroma overflow (slight) and banding (in some scenes). Correspondingly, we fixed chroma shift and overflow, debanded the dark areas and applied slight anti-aliasing (considering there are a lot of 3-D scenes).
播放器教程(PotPlayer 版): https://vcb-s.com/archives/4384
播放器教程(MPC 版): https://vcb-s.com/archives/4407
madVR 配置教程: https://vcb-s.com/archives/5610
字幕分享区(请善用搜索): http://bbs.vcb-s.com/forum-37-1.html
Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)