Ushio To Tora / 潮与虎 / うしおととら S1+S2 BDRip
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC + AAC,MKV 格式。每话约 1850 MB。
本番画质较好,只有一些拉伸造成的锯齿和黑色光晕,其他画质问题都被沙尘暴一般的噪点掩盖了,这个番很久前就想做了,但是在如此强大的噪点下,用 X264 在线条部分没办法达到预期效果,直到最近找到了沙尘暴噪点下做 AA 的方法,外加日渐成熟的 X265,使得成品在体积可以接受的情况下保留了绝大多数噪点。
BD source is good, only with some upscaling aliasing and black ringing, while any other image defects are concealed by "sandstorm"-like noise. We have been longing for ripping this series, however, under such heavy noise, x264 did not achieve anticipated result for borderlines. This lasted until a recently innovated approach to anti-aliasing under this condition. Also thanks to the growing matured x265 encoder, the final release preserves most noise while delivering an acceptable size.
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For BDMV thanks to fch1993 and ANK-RAWS
For all CDs thanks to hjknight@astost and jsum@U2
播放器教程(PotPlayer 版): https://vcb-s.com/archives/7228
播放器教程(MPC 版): https://vcb-s.com/archives/4407
播放器教程(IINA 版): https://vcb-s.com/archives/7159
渲染器教程(madVR): https://vcb-s.com/archives/5610
字幕分享区(请善用搜索): http://bbs.vcb-s.com/forum-37-1.html
Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)