中二病也要谈恋爱 / Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai / 中二病でも恋がしたい S1+S2+M1+M2 BDRip
10-bit 1080p Hi10p/Ma10p FLAC,MKV 格式。每话约 900 MB。
内封原盘 JPN 字幕。
全系列配以 千夏字幕组 的字幕,其中第二季字幕为此次发布进行了复核,感谢千夏字幕组。新电影 Take On Me 感谢 U2@Share 提供的扫图。
Thanks to Airota for elaborating Chinese subtitles for the whole series. The subtitles for the second season have been revised in this release. Thanks to U2@Share for providing scans of Take On Me.
中二病剧场版的画质一如既往的优秀,线条清晰,纹理丰富,画面上覆盖着一层漂亮的细颗粒噪点,只有少量场景有色带和振铃瑕疵。因此处理方式比较保守,针对性地做了去色带和去振铃处理,保留了大部分噪点,并用高还原度参数压制。纵观整个剧场版,制作保持了京阿尼一贯出色的水准,并且也是京阿尼最近喜欢上的 1920x1040 的电影分辨率。从剧场版内出现的场景来看,京阿尼可能早在 2014 年就完成了对这部剧场版的剧本编写和取材的工作,但是由于种种原因直到 2018 年年初才上映,剧场版中很多景色已经消失不见,好想能坐滨茄子渡过轻津海峡啊~
The image quality of Chuunibyou Movie is as excellent as always with clear lines, rich textures and a layer of small and compact noise on top of the images. Pre-processing was rather conservative: de-banding and de-ringing were applied with specific targets, most noise were conserved and high revivification parameter was used as encoding. Overall speaking, the production of the movie maintained an outstanding quality as Kyoani always had, and it is also in a resolution of 1920x1040 which Kyoani started to fancy recently. Looking at the scenes in the movie, we personally assumed that Kyoani had finished writing scripts and selecting scenes back in 2014, but because of various reasons, the movie was delayed to the beginning of 2018 for public show, as many scenes can no longer be found in reality.
本资源扫图格式为 WebP,详情参见种子内 readme about WebP.txt
Please refer to "readme about WebP.txt" if you have trouble viewing WebP images.
本次发布亦打包所有历史季度。由于本系列前作发布时间均较早,所以我们进行了重新整理(内容大部无变化)。视频方面,我们根据论坛上的报错重置了 S1 SP03 以消除色带,增加了之前漏做的原版 S1 OP(有制作人员)。音轨方面将少量误封为 AC3 的音轨换为 FLAC,以及分离 S1 评论音轨为外挂音轨。字幕方面修复了个别会导致字幕插件无法渲染字幕的问题,并将第一季度官方日字封入视频,第二季度官方日字 由DVD VobSub 替换为 BD PGS。相关音乐和扫图按照现行标准进行了重新处理。
Reseed comment:
This release is a mega pack collection that includes all seasons. As previous seasons were released quite a while ago, we re-organised the contents with minor changes. As for videos, we re-encoded S1 SP03 to remove colour banding according to the feedbacks on our forum, and we added the missing original S1 OP which comes with the staff list. As for audios, we re-encoded a few FLAC tracks that were incorrectly encoded as AC3 before, we also separated the commentary audios as an external track for S1. In terms of subtitles, we fixed a few problems that may cause failure for plug-ins to render subtitles. We embedded the official Japanese subtitles into S1 videos and changed S2's official Japanese subtitles from DVD VobSub to BD PGS. Associated music and scans were also re-organised according to the current standard.
这份发布来自 VCB-Studio 每月老番重发计划。
我们计划在每月月中和月末,重发 VCB-Studio 曾经发布过的合集。选择的合集有这些特点:
1. 发布已久,公网已经或者几乎断种;
2. 存在制作错误或疏漏,尤其当存在补丁包修正;
3. 之前的发布为分卷或分季,适合补充一个系列合集。
2018 年 10 月,月末
基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR
中文字幕分享区: VCB-Studio 分享论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)
Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)