零之使魔 / Zero no Tsukaima / ゼロの使い魔 BDRip
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。S1 每话约 800 MB,S2 每话约 900 MB,S3 每话约 800 MB,S4 每话约 1.3 GB。
S1: Zero no Tsukaima
S2: Zero no Tsukaima Futatsuki no Kishi
S3: Zero no Tsukaima Princess no Rondo
S4: Zero no Tsukaima F
零之使魔,全 1-4 季度。本番为积分制度提名番: http://bbs.vcb-s.com/thread-4523-1-1.html
零之使魔前三季度的画风偏中古,画质较差,带有明显的 DVD 拉升痕迹。除了常规的抗锯齿修复之外,我们对画面进行了一定程度的主观处理,包括线条加深、烂线消除和人工噪点。这样做的目的是在不改变画面结构的前提下,改善画面的观感与锐利度。请自行参照前 5 组对比图。
需要说明的是,前三季零散分布着不少原盘遗留下来的拉丝效果,经过官方放大 + 锐化之后已经成了没有任何修复手段的玩意(参见: https://img.2222.moe/images/2020/03/23/27650.png)。我们人工找了许多帧,然后手动一帧一帧用前后没有问题的帧掩盖,至少这比满屏幕拉丝来的好。非常不起眼而漏看的,或者连续场景反复出现的只好放弃治疗了。
第四季度的作画终于达到了 HD 水准,虽然还遗留一些锯齿、晕轮和颜色偏差,已经很容易处理。我们只修复了画面问题,而没有追加任何主观处理。
Zero no Tsukaima S1-S4. This project was nominated via open bidding: http://bbs.vcb-s.com/thread-4523-1-1.html
The first three seasons of Zero no Tsukaima look mediaeval and awful because of obvious up-scaling traces from DVD. In addition to the conventional anti-aliasing, we also added subjective enhancing to the image, including edge darkening, broken edge fixing and artificial grain. The point is to improve visual sharpness and experience while avoiding altering too much of the original style. Please see the first five pairs of screenshots for these fixes.
One thing we need to point out is that the first three seasons contain many interlaced scenes that the source left over, and there is no way to fix them after being enlarged and sharpened during BD remastering (see https://img.2222.moe/images/2020/03/23/27650.png). We manually located many of these frames and replaced them with undamaged frames nearby, on a case-by-case basis. Most should agree that slight jitter is better than severe interlacing. As for those too mild to be located or no replacement available, we had to give up on them.
The fourth season finally reaches the HD standard. Although there is still aliasing, ringing and chroma shift, post-processing is much more straightforward. We only fixed image artifacts and did not introduce any subjective processing.
其实这个番前三季度的处理手段基本是针对凉宫春日研究的副产品 —— LP 说道
连续做《零之使魔》和《绯弹的亚里亚》做得钉宫病都复发了 —— LP 补充道
连续整理 / 复查《零之使魔》和《绯弹的亚里亚》钉宫病都复发了 —— Enola、ANLOF 内心的 OS
2x 老婆真棒 (/≧ω\) —— rev
从参与提名开坑到参与项目整理,算是善始善终。感谢为了这个项目付出过的所有人。 —— Enola
某种意义上这算是我的入坑作,记得当年四期动画的消息传来就一直等着因为山口升老师生病而一直跳票的 21 卷发行,没想到传来的却是老师的讣告。虽近年来有代笔在大纲下帮老师完成了这部作品,但显而易见最终两卷水平并不如老师亲自写的。然后就进组日起,就一直试图在组内提名零使开坑未果,同时也学习了技术试图自己开坑,然而零使原盘质量极差,当学完了技术,打开原盘预览看了一眼,就默默地关掉了。感谢参与提名开坑的大家,感谢 LP 开发新处理手段,还有参加了这个项目的所有人,令这部作品能有更高质量的 BDRip。然后再次感谢山口升老师能写出这部作品。 —— W.Z
感谢所有参与制作者 / Thank to our participating members:
总监 / Script:LittlePox
压制 / Encode:rev
整理 / Collate:Enola
复查 / QC:Airium, ANLOF, LittlePox
发布 / Upload:Yokawa
分流 / Seed:VCB-Studio CDN 分流成员(详细名单见主站)
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thank to all resource providers:
BD&Scan: dtlnor
CD: dtlnor, Enola
本资源扫图格式为 WebP,浏览详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949 if you have trouble viewing WebP images.
基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR / mpv
中文字幕分享区: VCB-Studio 分享论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)
Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)