名 称:武庚纪:三界缘起 / 武庚纪 第3季 / Wu Geng Ji Ⅲ
类 型:战斗 / 玄幻 / 国漫
集 数:Season Ⅲ is 42 Episodes
剧情介绍:纣王断然拒绝“天"的神谕,将之投入火炬里烧毁,公然发布反抗神族之宣言。神族之主——“天"为此勃然大怒,带领神族的天间六部与周国军队来讨伐大商国。纣王与远古神兽不死鸟分享血与肉体,得到了原本属于神族才拥有的原始界神力。可惜还是不敌“天"之无色界神力,最后功败垂成。纣王之子武庚得到母亲妲己之帮助,逃过神族的追捕。后来沦落为采矿工厂的奴隶, 武庚从不赞同父亲的做法到体验到神族所带来的不平等待遇,立志颠覆神族。
【Google Drvie of Team application】
Because it's been a long time, many torrents don't have seeds, it's very unfriendly for some people.
In order to have a better solution, I got a Google Drive of Team, but I'm not sure how long it will last,I uploaded some animes, If you want to download, you can join this.
I will try to upload my released animation to Google Drive. That's the same thing.I'm not sure how long this will last. If it doesn't, I'm sorry.
You just need to send a Google email or fill out this form(application), When I receive it, I will deal with it as soon as possible, I will invite you to join the team.