乐园追放 / Rakuen Tsuihou -Expelled from Paradise- / 楽園追放 -Expelled From Paradise- BDRip Reseed
10-bit 1080p AVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。剧场版约 4.8 GB。
外挂 FLAC 5.1 音轨。
这个项目与 极影字幕社 和 philosophy-raws 合作,感谢他们的精心制作。
This project is in cooperation with KTXP and philosophy-raws. Thanks to them for their elaboration.
The original source has a decent image quality, only few scenes have aliasing and some static grain. In PP, we applied very mild anti-aliasing and de-noising, and the side effect is hardly visible.
1. SPCD 重抓轨至 FLAC 格式;
2. 替换 ED CD;
3. 替换 ED Hi-Res 为 FLAC 格式;
4. BDBOX 相关、设定集图片重扫至 800dpi,新增台本扫图(组员自扫);
5. 正片章节订正;
6. Trailer Collection 章节订正;
7. 视、音频语言修正;
8. 按现行规范进行文件重命名。
Reseed comment:
1. Replaced SPCD with that of FLAC format;
2. Replaced ED CD;
3. Replaced ED Hi-Res with that of FLAC format;
4. Re-scanned BOBOX-related contents and art set with 800dpi, added playscript scan (scanned by our group member);
5. Fixed movie chapter tags;
6. Fixed Trailer Collection chapter tags;
7. Fixed audio and video language tags;
8. Re-named files according to current standards.
感谢所有参与制作者 / Thank to our participating members:
整理 / Collate:Hako
复查 / QC:wenpens
发布 / Upload:Yokawa
分流 / Seed:VCB-Studio CDN 分流成员(详细名单见主站)
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thank to all resource providers:
BD: fch1993@philosophy-raws
CD: uhyftt@TSDM, Hako@VCB-Studio
这份发布来自 VCB-Studio 每月老番重发计划。
我们计划在每月月中和月末,重发 VCB-Studio 曾经发布过的合集。选择的合集有这些特点:
1. 发布已久,公网已经或者几乎断种;
2. 存在制作错误或疏漏,尤其当存在补丁包修正;
3. 之前的发布为分卷或分季,适合补充一个系列合集。
2020 年 10 月,月中
基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR / mpv
中文字幕分享区: VCB-Studio 分享论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)