妖精的尾巴 / FAIRY TAIL / フェアリーテイル S1 BDRip
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。约 850 MB 一集。
妖尾第一季的画面质量大体分为两种情况,一种是 1-108 集,第二种是 109-175 集:
先说下 1-108 集,这部分大概是整部番画质较好的部分,等效分辨率大约是 720p,线条是麻花形状的,且伴随时域的线条抖动。后处理上时域的抖动实在没找到好的解决方法,只能用 reverse-upscale + 抗锯齿滤镜,在空域上抗锯齿。顺带一提,这部分的 chroma 线条几乎都是断线,还有些 chroma shift,在大红场景下能看到线条非常不均匀,我尝试多种方案,对于 UV 面的修复也很有限,只能将 UV 面的线条往内收敛些,防止 UV 面线条溢出。并配合 de-ring 以及用 LineDarken 滤镜自动检测将中空的线条描黑,当然这个检测算法是第一次使用,效果差强人意吧。平面部分,由于这次的 banding 非常重,从非常低的亮度,延伸到非常高的亮度,导致 mask 非常难设计,特别是高亮度 mask 怎么都会框住 banding. 只能分别设计两种 mask,日常使用的和高亮度情况下使用的,不过亮场 banding 非常顽固,考虑到会伤到线条,只能妥协下亮场 de-band 的强度。后面几集由于 banding 增强,所以给画面打上噪点遮掩下。
109-175 集,这一部分线条的锯齿和时域的闪烁相比前一部分加重不少,chroma 线条差不多一样差。有效分辨率差不多是 576p 甚至更低,画面线条周围有非常强的 haloing,处理上相比于前一部分,de-ring 的强度增加不少,以及使用比较高质量的 upscale 算法,进一步的保持画面线条的锐利度和控制线条周围的 ringing,de-band 力度相较之前减轻不少,且不再往画面上打噪点,进一步的控制了体积,其他的处理几乎是沿用了第一部分的脚本。
最后,由于体积庞大为了尽量缩小体积,只能抛弃所有无关紧要的特典,仅保留 NCOP/ED 以及 Menu,当然那些无关紧要的特典画质实在感人,做出来也是辣眼睛。以及放弃所有英文音轨包括英文评论音轨,在此基础上也仅让每集体积稳定在 850M 上下。
Fairy Tail Season 1 episodes have two image quality levels: EP 1-108 are alright, and EP 109-175 are sub par:
EP 1-108: These episodes are probably the better-looking ones in the entire season, with a native resolution of around 720p. The lines look like twisted noodles, messed up further by jitters among frames. There wasn't much we could do to tackle this type of jitter, so PP focused on spatial anti-aliasing, using the reserse-upscale method and an anti-aliasing filter. On the side, these lines on the chroma plane are broken almost all the time, and there's a bit of chroma shift. Together they make the lines look very uneven on the scenes with many reds. I've tried quite a few ways to solve this on the UV plane, but with limited success. We ended up constraining the chroma channels to avoid the "bleeding effect", combined with de-ringing and the LineDarken filter which automatically detects and fills the broken parts in lines. As expected, the result of this first ever try of the LineDarken filter, was just passible. Moving on to the flat area, because heavy banding exists at very low, very high brightness, and everywhere in between. Designing a protective mask was rather difficult - especially at the bright areas. There seems to be no way to get a clear cut between bandings to fix and details to protect. So I designed two separate masks, one for the normal scenes and the other for the high-brightness scenes. The banding on the bright scenes are also very stubburn. To avoid damaging the lines, the strength of de-banding wasn't set too high. A few eposides later in the season have some grain deliberately added, to visually couteract the banding with increased severity.
EP 109-175: Line aliasing and temporal jitters are worse. Chroma lines are as bad as the previous. The native resolution is around 576p or even lower. Haloing is rather significant around the lines. As for the PP, the strength of de-ringing was increased by a lot. A high-quality upscaling algorithm was used to maintain line sharpness and to control the ringing. De-ringing was much slighter though, and there was no more added grain to further reduce the file size. Everything else was pretty much the same as that in the script for EP 1-108.
Finally, the SPs folder of this torrent contains only the NCOP/ED and the Menus, as it is already too large. All other SPs that have been abandoned, are not important and too ugly-looking anyway. EN tracks (including EN commentary tracks) were excluded, too. With all these efforts, the final file sizes are reduced to ~ 850 MB, which admittedly is still a lot.
感谢所有参与制作者 / Thank to our participating members:
总监 / Script:北上
压制 / Encode:北上
整理 / Collate:icefires
复查 / QC:Enola, 北上
发布 / Upload:Tom
分流 / Seed:VCB-Studio CDN 分流成员(详细名单见主站)
本资源扫图格式为 WebP,浏览详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949 if you have trouble viewing WebP images.
有关 TSDM 合购区的详情请参见 https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923。
Please refer to https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923 for more informaion about jointly purchased music.
基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR / mpv
中文字幕分享区: VCB-Studio 分享论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)
Part 1 (EP1 ~ EP108) 部分对比截图
Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)

Part 2 (EP109 ~ EP175) 部分对比截图
Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)