剧场版 Fate/kaleid liner 魔法少女伊莉雅 Licht 无名的少女 BDRip
Gekijouban Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Licht: Namae no Nai Shoujo BDRip
劇場版 Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ Licht 名前の無い少女 BDRip
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。剧场版约 7.1 GB。
外挂 FLAC 5.1 音轨。
这个项目与 幻之字幕组 合作,感谢他们精心制作的字幕。
This project is in cooperation with Mabors-Sub. Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.
伊莉雅剧场版 2 的画质总体上还行,没什么特别明显的瑕疵,不过 720p 的原生分辨率在剧场版里还是显得非常令人遗憾。同时,全篇线条非常淡,后期刻意加上的一层模糊滤镜和噪点更是让清晰度雪上加霜,即使缩回原生分辨率逆向重构也难以改善。我们采用逆向重构配合轻度抗锯齿来处理线条,消除一些轻微的锯齿,并略微提升清晰度。部分暗场平面有轻微色带,我们采用温和的手段去除。最后进行常规自适应锐化与降噪,并针对文字部分进行特殊保护。由于本片暗场多、动态场景丰富,为保证原盘的质感,给的码率较为充足。
The second movie of Prisma Illya has a decent quality and no obvious artifacts. That being said, a 720p native resolution for a movie is somewhat disappointing. The line-art throughout the movie is faint, and the intentionally added filters and grain further worsened the sharpness in a way that descaling and reconstruction couldn't make a miracle. We attempted to eliminate the aliasing and raise the sharpness by combining descaling, reconstructing and anti-aliasing. We applied mild de-banding to remove those in dark scenes, also routine adaptive sharpening and de-noising. The on-screen texts were attended to with care. We allocated sufficient bit-rate to best maintain dark and motion scenes in the source.
VCB-Studio 2022 春季组员招募
大家好,VCB-Studio 2022 春季招新现已开放报名。本次招新分流组,欢迎大家踊跃报名。具体要求如下:
家宽:200 Mbps 下载 / 30 Mbps 上传,不封 P2P,端口能正常打开(移动宽带需要有公网 IPv4)。
每天能至少 8 小时开机进行做种挂机,硬盘能用来分流的剩余空间需要有 1 TB,月上传量大约需要 2 TB / 月。
有对等高速企业宽带或独立 NAS 以及能 24 小时开机做种的优先。
如果是盒子用户则需要独服,宽带 1000 Mbps 以上,配置稍高同时具备基本的调试优化技巧(不然你流量真的跟不上),要求月上传量达到 50 TB。
有意报名的同学,请直接加群 873142259(QQ 可能出现搜不到的情况,请多点几下搜索按钮,就能刷出来了)。
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thanks to all resource providers:
CD&Scan: HAYAKU@Nyaa
本资源扫图格式为 WebP,浏览详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949 if you have trouble viewing WebP images.
有关 TSDM 合购区的详情请参见 https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923。
Please refer to https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923 for more information about jointly purchased music.
基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR / mpv
中文字幕分享区: Anime字幕论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)
Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)