薇薇 -萤石眼之歌- BDRip
Vivy -Fluorite Eye's Song- BDRip
ヴィヴィ -フローライトアイズソング- BDRip
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC + AAC,MKV 格式。每话约 1.2 GB。
这个项目与 喵萌奶茶屋 合作,感谢他们精心制作的字幕。
This project is in cooperation with Nekomoe kissaten. Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.
Vivy 的原盘质量惊为天人,无可挑剔,就和 Vivy 本身动画制作的质量一样。由于拥有大量特效,黑夜场景的摄影机模拟噪点和不少的打斗画面,使得抠码率成为了本 rip 的重点内容。处理上采取了比较保守的抗锯齿和降噪辅以补偿性锐化,再加上针对画面特性的电费爆表型编码参数,将单集体积控制在 1.2 GB 左右。
The picture quality of the source is mind-blowing, and is as flawless as the making of this anime. There are tons of special effects. Night-time action scenes are also rich in simulated film grains and motions. Therefore, the primary goal of this project is to present all the above-mentioned goodness, without going over the bitrate budget. PP applied anti-aliasing and de-noising in a conservative manner, as well as compensatory sharpening. The encoding parameters have been tailored to all these needs, and I'm looking forward to my next electricity bill. The output file size is around 1.2 GB per episode.
VCB-Studio 2022 春季组员招募
大家好,VCB-Studio 2022 春季招新现已开放报名。本次招新分流组,欢迎大家踊跃报名。具体要求如下:
家宽:200 Mbps 下载 / 30 Mbps 上传,不封 P2P,端口能正常打开(移动宽带需要有公网 IPv4)。
每天能至少 8 小时开机进行做种挂机,硬盘能用来分流的剩余空间需要有 1 TB,月上传量大约需要 2 TB / 月。
有对等高速企业宽带或独立 NAS 以及能 24 小时开机做种的优先。
如果是盒子用户则需要独服,宽带 1000 Mbps 以上,配置稍高同时具备基本的调试优化技巧(不然你流量真的跟不上),要求月上传量达到 50 TB。
有意报名的同学,请直接加群 873142259(QQ 可能出现搜不到的情况,请多点几下搜索按钮,就能刷出来了)。
本资源扫图格式为 WebP,浏览详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949 if you have trouble viewing WebP images.
有关 TSDM 合购区的详情请参见 https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923。
Please refer to https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923 for more information about jointly purchased music.
基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR / mpv
中文字幕分享区: Anime字幕论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)
Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)