剧场版 轻旅轻营/摇曳露营 / Yuru Camp Movie / 映画「ゆるキャン△」 BDRip
轻旅轻营/摇曳露营 / Yuru Camp / ゆるキャン△ S1-S2 BDRip
室内露营/房间露营 / Heya Camp / へやキャン△ BDRip
剧场版含外挂 FLAC 7.1 ,置于 1080p 版文件夹下。
MKA contains FLAC 7.1 for movie in the folder of 1080p version.
各季均与 千夏字幕组 和 喵萌奶茶屋 合作,感谢他们精心制作的字幕。
All seasons of the project are in collaboration with Airotaand Nekomoe kissaten. Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.
摇曳露营剧场版的 1080p 版原盘画质总体上属于较好的一类,线条锐利,细节纹理丰富,美中不足的是线条有一些较为明显的锯齿。除了常见的 3D 渲染带来的锯齿,在手绘线条部分,由于是原生 FHD,锐而细的线条缺少与周围平面的过渡,产生了所谓高清的次像素锯齿(类似我们经常在高清的文字上看到的那样)。抗锯齿处理不可避免的会让这些线条变宽,造成锐度下降。这里我们进行了一些权衡,使用较为保守的抗锯齿处理,然后进行补偿性锐化,提升线条黑度来补偿线条变宽导致的锐度降低,最终整体上去除锯齿而保持观感不变。原盘平面质量较好,制作公司加入了大量的噪点,几乎看不到色带问题,我们仅做了一些保底的抗色带处理。最后进行常规的自适应降噪以控制码率。
至于 UHD 原盘的画质,相比之下就不如 1080p 版了,可以看出 UHD 是基于 1080p 或者稍微高于 1080p 的分辨率拉伸而来的,一些在 1080p 版中表现出锯齿的地方,在 UHD 中被放大而更加显眼。我们使用逆向拉伸来处理锯齿,并进行补偿性锐化提升观感。平面噪点由于拉伸而表现为较大的颗粒,并且由于欠码而产生了较多烂噪,我们对噪点进行了重构,并进行适度的抗色带处理。
The image quality of Yuru Camp Movie 1080p Blu-ray is pretty good, with sharp lines and rich texture details, but the lines do have some obvious aliasing. Apart from the usual aliasing caused by 3D rendering, the hand-drawn line art also has so-called sub-pixel aliasing, given its Full-HD resolution and steep edges around them (like those commonly seen on HD texts). Anti-aliasing would unavoidably thicken the lines and make them look less sharp, so we tried to use conservative parameters for anti-aliasing, then compensate with sharpening and darkening, to remove the aliasing while retaining the perceived sharpness. The surface area is of good quality – there is hardly any visible color banding thanks to the heavy grains, and we only applied preemptive debanding. Finally, routine adaptive denoising was applied to optimize the bitrate.
The image quality of the UHD Blu-ray, however, is worse compared with the 1080p version. It seems the UHD version is upscaled from 1080p or some resolution slightly higher than 1080p – the aliasing issue in the 1080p version is magnified and made more prominent here. We employed descaling together with compensatory sharpening to enhance the line art. Film grains also appeared to be bigger due to upscaling, and compression artifacts can be seen due to insufficient bitrate. We reconstructed the grains and applied debanding processes.
本次 UHD 版原盘是 Dolby Vision(以下简称 DV)制作,我们采取了一些全新的制作流程。如果要详细讲解 DV,怕是整个发布页都写不下,因此这里只简要提及几个基本概念,如果有兴趣可以自行查阅更多资料。DV 原盘由 BL+EL+RPU 三部分构成,在 UHD 的标准分发形式 Profile 7 下,表现为 2 个视频轨道,第一个为全分辨率的 BL 层,第二个为 1/4 分辨率的 EL 层,RPU 则内置于 EL 层。DV 原盘根据 EL 层视频是否为有效内容,可以分为 MEL(EL 层为全零,单独播放 EL 层表现为绿色)和 FEL(EL 层为有效内容,单独播放 EL 层表现为灰色)。对于 MEL(比如紫罗兰永恒花园的 UHD),可以无损转为兼容性更好的 Profile 8.1(BL+RPU),而 FEL 则不可以,强行转换会直接丢失 EL 层,并且 RPU 也可能不兼容。本次摇曳露营剧场版的 DV 原盘是 FEL,因此我们首先将 BL+EL+RPU 进行重建,得到原本的 12bit 视频,然后在 VS 中进行进一步预处理。最后我们导出无损的 Raw 数据,按照 DV 流程压制为三种成品:Profile 5、HDR10_600、SDR。第一种仍然是 DV 格式,而最后两种则是按照 DV 算法和动态元数据映射成的普通格式。
为什么要制作这么多种格式?一方面是希望能满足不同观众的需求,另一方面我们也想借这个机会,验证 DV 相关的制作流程。
对于 DV 格式成品,我们最终选择了 Profile 5 格式。原盘那种 Profile 7 格式的播放兼容性非常差,基本只限于部分碟机,首先排除。剩下的 Profile 8.1 和 Profile 5 各有优劣,他们都是 BL+RPU 的单层形式。Profile 8.1 可以兼容 HDR10,在不支持 DV 的环境中可作为普通 HDR 视频播放,但效果就难以保证了。Profile 5 是最基础的一种 DV,它不兼容 HDR10 且使用 IPT 色彩空间,在不支持的设备上会显示出诡异的紫绿色。虽然牺牲了兼容性,但是 Profile 5 允许编码前重新分配画面内容的动态范围,并且使用 Full Range 编码,因此在同样 10 bit 情况下,理论上会比 Profile 8.1 有更小的精度损失。另一方面,Profile 5 是目前 DV 设备唯一必须支持的 DV 格式,也是目前各流媒体平台 DV 的主要格式,各种问题较少,在 DV 环境中是最优解。
总的来说,以上 Profile 5 成品仍然是 DV 格式,需要相应的 DV 设备才能正确播放。如果没有 DV 设备,但仍然想尝试 DV 的播放效果,我们有以下两种成品可供选择:HDR10_600、SDR。HDR10_600 版本,根据 DV 算法和动态元数据按照 600 nits 亮度映射为 HDR10 成品。这样就与普通的 HDR 视频无异,不再需要 DV 设备支持。为了保证回放的画面可控,我们只推荐拥有满足播放条件的 HDR 设备的用户观看此版本,对于没有这样设备的观众我们更推荐下一个选择——根据 DV 算法和动态元数据映射的 100-nits BT.709 BT.1886 SDR 版本。考虑到摇曳露营剧场版本身并没有多少 HDR 内容,大部分画面都处于低亮度水平,因此对于大部分观众来说,这个 SDR 版会是一个较好的选择。不过需要说明的是,DV 针对不同播放环境可以有不同的映射算法,如果你有 DV 设备,我们更推荐你尝试上面的 DV Profile 5 格式,可能会有更好的体验。
The UHD Blu-ray this time is a Dolby Vision (DV) production, which is the first of its kind for us to make a rip from. The full explanation of DV would be too lengthy to be laid out in this post, so we are only going to mention a few basic concepts here. The DV Blu-ray consists of three parts: the BL (base layer), the EL (enhancement layer), and the RPU (reference picture unit). When in the form of profile 7 (used for UHD Blu-ray), there will be two video streams present, one being the full-resolution BL, the other being the 1/4 resolution EL, within which the RPU is embedded. The EL can be either MEL (minimum enhancement layer, consists only zeroes, appears green when played alone) or FEL (full enhancement layer, has real residual signal, appears grayish when played alone). DV Blu-rays with MEL (e.g. Violet Evergarden the Movie) can be losslessly converted to profile 8.1 (BL + RPU) for better compatibility, while Blu-ray's with FEL cannot, as data in the EL will be lost, and the RPU might not be compatible. The DV Blu-ray of Yuru Camp Movie does have an FEL, so we first reconstructed BL + EL + RPU to get the original 12-bit video stream, and then applied further processing in VapourSynth. We exported the processed video in uncompressed raw format, and encoded three versions: profile 5, HDR10_600 and SDR. The first one is still a DV format, while the latter two are "normal" formats that tone-mapped using DV algorithms and dynamic metadata.
Why so many formats? On one hand we hope to meet various needs of our audiences, while on the other hand, we would like to take this chance to verify the workflow for encoding DV Blu-rays.
We chose profile 5 for the final DV format. Profile 7, as used in UHD Blu-rays, is out of the question given its poor playback compatibility. Profile 8.1 and profile 5 both have pros and cons, and both are BL + RPU, single layer formats. Profile 8.1 is compatible with HDR10, thus it can be played as a normal HDR video in environments without DV support, but the quality may vary. Profile 5 is one of the most basic DV formats, incompatible with HDR10, uses IPT colorspace, and would appear weird purple-greenish colors if played on unsupported devices. Despite its compromised compatibility, profile 5 allows redistribution of dynamic range of image content prior encoding and uses full range encoding, therefore theoretically it would have less precision loss compared with profile 8.1 when encoded to 10-bit. Moreover, profile 5 support is the minimum requirement on any DV-supported device, and it's also the most common DV format used on various streaming websites, making it the most robust choice among DV formats.
All in all, our profile 5 encode is still DV, thus it requires devices with DV support for proper playback. If you don't have one but are still curious about how DV playback looks like, we have two other versions to choose from: HRD10_600 and SDR. The HDR10_600 version is tone-mapped according to DV algorithms and dynamic metadata targeted at 600 nits, encoded as a normal HDR10 video, so DV support is not required. To ensure playback quality, we only recommend this version if you have a competent HDR display, or if you don't, we recommend the SDR version, again tone-mapped according to DV algorithms and dynamic metadata, now targeted at 100 nits and encoded as a BT.709/BT.1886 SDR video. Given that Yuru Camp Movie doesn't really have that much of HDR, most scenes are in relatively low brightness, the SDR version might be a better choice for most people. Although it's worth noting that DV has different tone-mapping algorithms in different playback environments, so if you do have a DV supported device, you might still try the DV profile 5 version to get potentially better experience.
通常 ASS 字幕在配合 HDR 视频时存在诸多问题,本次我们邀请字幕组对 SDR 和 HDR 的情况分别做了适配。不过需要注意的是,字幕的选择并不取决于片源,而应该取决于你的播放设备。如果将 HDR 片源映射到 SDR 设备上播放,你可能需要选择 SDR 版字幕。由于 ASS 标准以及播放器、字幕插件中各种各样的问题,实际播放中可能两个版本字幕都出现一些问题,这时我们更推荐观看 SDR 版并配合 SDR 字幕。DV 片源的字幕选择理论上和 HDR10 版本相同,不过考虑到能完全播放 DV 的设备对 ASS 的支持难以预测,观众最好根据实际情况进行尝试。
UHD 版原盘和 1080p 版原盘附带的多声道音轨相同,因此只在 1080p 版目录下放置一份,有需要的观众可以前去下载。
ASS subtitles usually don't play well with HDR. This time we also invited the collaborating fansub group to make adjustments for the HDR versions. Note that the subtitle version one should use does not depend on the video itself, but rather the display one's using - you should still use the SDR version subtitles if you intend to watch the HDR video (tone-mapped) on an SDR display. Given the numerous HDR-related issues in ASS format standards, video players and subtitle renderers etc., you may still encounter issues with both versions of subtitles here, and in that case we would recommend just watch the SDR version with the SDR subtitles. In theory, one should use the same subtitles for the DV version as the HDR10 version, but considering the unpredictable behavior in rendering ASS subtitles on a DV-supported device, no promise can be made here and one should try them out and see.
The 7.1ch audio in the UHD Blu-ray is identical to the one in the 1080p version, so we only kept one copy under the 1080p version subfolder. Remember to grab it in case you want it but only download the UHD version.
We seized the opportunity of collaboration with fansub to remake Yuru Camp S1 this time. What mainly bothered us is aliasing, which traditional anti-aliasing methods does not perform well on the intensive aliasing between parallel lines and inevitably affects the sharpness of the picture. Thanks to the continuous technology improvement, now descaling and reconstruction together with new anti-aliasing methods can solve such problems above very well.
The image quality of Yuru Camp Season 2 is slightly improved compared to the first season, but still everywhere you can see the aliasing, and accompanied by ringing. We mainly applied anti-aliasing to deal with the lines and compensatory sharpening for details of the picture.
Short Anime:
The image quality of Heya Camp is exactly the same as that of Yuru Camp S1, so we follow the same idea to encode it.
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thanks to all resource providers:
BD&Scans: Ronny@U2
1. 替换 S1 EP1;
2. 替换 S2 SP IV02_1 IV02_2。
Reseed comment:
1. Replace S1 EP1;
2. Replace S2 SP IV02_1 IV02_2.
Please be mindful of long paths in this torrent to avoid download error.
VCB-Studio 已不再保证收集作品相关 CD 和扫图资源,详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331 for more information about that VCB-Studio will no longer guarantee to include relevant CDs and scans.
本组(不)定期招募新成员。详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986 about information of our (un)scheduled recruitment.
有关 TSDM 合购区的详情请参见 https://www.tsdm39.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923。
Please refer to https://www.tsdm39.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923 for more information about jointly purchased music.
播放器教程索引: VCB-Studio 播放器推荐
中文字幕分享区: Anime 分享论坛
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表
特殊格式与说明: WebP 扫图说明
Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)

Source (BT.2020 PQ)__________________________________Encode (100-nits BT.709 BT.1886)