异世界四重奏 / Isekai Quartet / 異世界かるてっと S1-S2 BDRip
这个项目第一季与 千夏字幕组 合作,感谢他们精心制作的字幕。
The first season of this project is in collaboration with Airota. Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.
本片为 FHD 制作的 3D Flash 动画,制作公司曾为众多异世界题材作品做过特典小动画。原盘总体画质还行,除了 3D 渲染造成的强力锯齿之外并无太大瑕疵。由于线条锐度出奇的高,无论哪种常规抗锯齿手段都会使观感不可避免地变糊。为了尽可能削减锯齿带来的粗糙感,同时保证目视下的锐度一致,我们用神经网络算法放大后,再使用较为锐利的缩小算法缩回到原分辨率。剩下的就是一些常规处理:保底的去色带和自适应降噪。
This is a 3D Flash animation produced by FHD. The production company has previously created special short animations for numerous isekai-themed works. The overall image quality of the BD source is decent, with minimal artifacts aside from strong aliasing caused by 3D rendering. Due to the unusually high sharpness in the lines, any conventional anti-aliasing method inevitably results in a blurred appearance. In order to minimize the roughness caused by aliasing while ensuring consistent visual sharpness, we employed a neural network algorithm to upscale, followed by a sharper downscaling algorithm to revert to the original resolution. Processes remained are standard procedures such as basic de-banding and adaptive denoising.
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thanks to all resource providers:
CDs: {UCCUSS, Astral}@U2
Scans: UCCUSS@U2
VCB-Studio 已不再保证收集作品相关 CD 和扫图资源,详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331 for more information about that VCB-Studio will no longer guarantee to include relevant CDs and scans.
本组(不)定期招募新成员。详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986 about information of our (un)scheduled recruitment.
播放器教程索引: VCB-Studio 播放器推荐
中文字幕分享区: Anime 分享论坛
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表
特殊格式与说明: WebP 扫图说明
Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)