S1-S2: 暗杀教室 / Ansatsu Kyoushitsu / 暗殺教室 BDRip
OVA: 课外授业篇 / Kagai Jugyo Hen / 课外授课篇 BDRip
MOVIE: 365天的时间 / 365-nichi no Jikan / 365日の時間 BDRip
WEB: 杀老师Quest! / Koro Sensei Quest! / 殺せんせーQ!BDRip
S1-S2 部分剧集内封评论音轨。
Certain episodes contain commentary tracks in S1-S2.
剧场版内封原盘 ENG 字幕。
MOVIE contains official ENG PGS .
S1 与 诸神字幕组 合作,OVA与 豌豆字幕组 合作,感谢他们精心制作的字幕。
This project is in collaboration with Kamigami for S1 and BeanSub for OVA. Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.
第一季的原盘画质属于中等水平,最主要的问题是某些严重锯齿导致线条呈阶梯状断裂和颜色错位,好在这些都是可以修复的。第二季的原盘最主要的问题是色度平面存在较严重的锯齿,线条周围有一点 ringing,暗场噪点下盖着色带。处理上也是针对以上问题进行修复,同时对弱纹理进行加强,再使用HEVC编码。
The source quality of S1 is of moderate level, with major problems due to heavy aliasing and color-shift. We applied some anti-aliasing filter to fix the issue. In S2, The main problems of the BD are the heavy aliasing of the chroma, some ringing around the lines and banding covered by noise. We fixed those problems and strengthened the weak texture, then encoded with HEVC.
剧场版画质较差,不同场景之间画质差别巨大。在新加入的画面中,所有赤羽业单独出现的场景,都使用了非常劣质的拉伸算法,导致画面出现了明显的瑕疵。我们人工挑出了这些场景,使用了逆向拉伸还原到原始分辨率,并使用质量更好的拉伸算法拉伸到了 1080p 以消除画面瑕疵。
The image quality of the movie is bad, the quality varies significantly among scenes. In the newly added scenes, those with Akabane Karuma's solo used very poor algorithms and resulted in obvious artifacts. We manually picked those scenes, de-scaled to their native resolution and re-upscaled to 1080p with better algorithms to eliminate the artifacts.
杀老师Q 采用美版原盘压制。原盘码率较低同时噪点较重,我们使用了较为高级的降噪算法来分离噪点层,以避免噪点对线条和纹理的处理造成干扰。针对部分场景出现的锯齿,我们进行了常规的 AA 处理。
Koro Sensei Quest is made from the American version. The source has low bitrates and heavy noise. We used advanced de-noising algorithms to separate the noise so that they don't interfere with line-art and texture processing. With the occasional aliasing, we applied routine anti-aliasing accordingly.
The web series (Kagaijugyou Hen) has a very bad image quality with serious aliasing and colour-banding. Since the banding in some images is so severe that it overwhelmed some textures, we at first applied highly intensive de-banding hoping to remove all the banding while maintaining the textures. But the banding was very stubborn. Even with such intensity, we still cannot completely remove large banding in some images, not to mention that we damaged a lot of textures. After numerous tests, we chose a balanced intensity to deal with the banding.
1. 修正 OAD 的 Matrix 错误
2. 按照现行规范调整真人特典命名
3. 按照现行规范重新整理 CD
4. 增补 CD 封面图
5. 更正 SPCD 的基本曲目信息
6. 增补字体包缺失字体
1. 统一第二季季度名
2. 按照现行规范调整部分 SP 命名
3. 按照现行规范重新整理 CD
4. 更正 SPCD 的基本曲目信息
1. 统一第二季季度名
2. 改正部分 SP 命名中的拼写错误
3. 按照现行规范重新整理 CD
4. 增补字体包缺失字体
1. 按照现行规范重新整理 CD
1. 将 PGS 字幕调整为非默认轨道
2. 更正 Menu 的轨道语言为 jpn
Reseed comment:
1. Correct the Matrix error in OAD
2. Adjust the naming of live action bonus according to the current standard
3. Reorganize CDs according to the current standard
4. Add CD cover
5. Correct the basic track information of SPCD
6. Add missing fonts
1. Unify the namings for the second season
2. Adjust the naming of some SP according to the current standard
3. Reorganize CDs according to the current standard
4. Correct the basic track information of SPCD
1. Unify the namings for the second season
2. Correct the spelling errors in some SP namings
3. Reorganize CDs according to the current standard
4. Add missing fonts
1. Reorganize CDs according to the current standard
1. Adjust PGS subtitles to non-default track
2. Correct the track language of Menu to jpn
感谢所有参与制作者 / Thanks to our participating members:
总监 / Script: 鲤伴
压制 / Encode: Rev., 鲤伴
整理 / Collate: 喵喵饼干, Anonymous, Strong
发布 / Upload: Yokawa, arr2
分流 / Seed: VCB-Studio CDN 分流成员
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thanks to all resource providers:
CDs: ANK-RAWS, jsum@U2
本次发布来自 VCB-Studio 旧作重发计划。我们会不定期重发过去发布过的合集,或为补充做种,或为修正制作错漏,或为整合系列合集。
This is a release of VCB-Studio Reseed Project. We would re-upload previous torrents from time to time, to resurrect old torrents with few seeders, to correct errors/omissions, or to batch separate releases that belong to a same series.
播放器教程索引: VCB-Studio 播放器推荐
中文字幕分享区: Anime 分享论坛
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表
特殊格式与说明: WebP 扫图说明