八男?别闹了! / Hachi-nantte, Sore wa Nai Deshou! / 八男って、それはないでしょう! BDRip
作为 JPBD,发行商 Frontier Works 把整季 12 集全塞在一张 BD50 里,甚至还带特典。视频有效码率仅为 18Mbps,比常规 BD 片源的一半还少,甚至低于一部分劣质的 USBD UKBD。这毫无节操的操作已不是逆天可以形容的,即便是以发行劣质 BD 著称的 DMM 都得喊他一声大哥。
然而与码率形成鲜明对比的是画质。总体来说画质依旧算差的,原生分辨率 873p。画面是柔和的,线条是糊的,锯齿是有的,色带也是多的。但如此低码率的片源没有因为欠码被摧残到线条扭曲、蚊噪四溢、色块泛滥已经是一种救赎。推测是偏糊的画面和较少的噪点降低了编码难度,从而减少了欠码瑕疵。当然蚊噪色块依然存在,纹理和弱线条还是受到了很大的影响。色带问题也让人头疼,全片的平面无论亮暗动静,均有一定程度的色带,真正做到了众生平等,大部分场景中需要细看才能发现,部分暗场情况比较严重。
处理上,主要是自适应去色块、逆向拉升重构、常规抗锯齿、自适应降噪。由于画面实在太糊,我们对线条进行适度加深。至于色带,由于噪点实在太少,激进的去色带手段容易对稀薄的纹理和弱线条造成毁灭性打击,所以我们使用常规去色带的同时还覆盖了一层动噪,在保留一部分纹理、弱线条的同时,尽量削弱色带的难看观感。如果眼尖心细的观众看到了一些残留色带,不妨将它们看做一种特效。另外 OPED 的动态实在太多,画面承受了当前码率不该有的动态强度,一些细节在原盘中就已经濒临摧残殆尽,已经经不起我们再做处理和压制。我们参考了 Crunchyroll 的 Web 源,画质也不理想,动态细节同样溃烂。考虑到我们不能无中生有,因此对这部分细节进行了放弃,未作保护增强。
A truly miraculous source.
As a JPBD, Frontier Works crammed the entire 12 episodes of the season onto a single BD50 disc, even including specials. The effective video bitrate is only 18 Mbps, which is less than half of the usual BD sources and even lower than some low-quality USBDs and UKBDs. This unscrupulous practice is beyond outrageous, and even DMM, known for releasing poor quality BDs, would have to acknowledge them as a superior in this regard.
However, the image quality contrasts starkly with the bitrate. Overall, the quality is still poor, with a native resolution of 873p. The image is soft, the lines are blurred, there's aliasing, and there's plenty of banding. Yet, for such a low bitrate source, the fact that it has not been devastated by insufficient bitrate to the extent of twisted lines, rampant DCT noise, and overwhelming blocks is a form of redemption. It is speculated that the blurred image and fewer noise elements reduced the encoding difficulty, thus minimizing bitrate deficiencies. Of course, DCT noise and blocking effect still exist, and textures and weak lines are significantly affected. The issue of banding is also problematic, with some degree of banding present in flat areas of all scenes, both bright and dark, static and dynamic, truly achieving equality for all. Most scenes require a closer look to notice, except the banding is quite severe in some dark scenes.
In terms of processing, the main methods used were adaptive de-blocking, descaling and reconstruction, conventional anti-aliasing, and adaptive denoising. Given the blurriness of the image, we moderately darkened the lines. Before treating the banding, since there was very little noise, aggressive de-banding methods could devastate the sparse textures and weak lines, so we used conventional de-banding while also applying a layer of dynamic noise. This approach preserves some texture and weak lines while reducing the unsightly appearance of banding as much as possible. If you keen-eyed viewers notice some residual banding, please consider it a kind of special effect. Additionally, the OPs and EDs have too much motions compared to the current bitrate, and some details were nearly destroyed in the original disc, unable to withstand further processing and encoding. We referred to Crunchyroll's web source, which also had suboptimal image quality with similarly poor dynamic detail. Considering we cannot create something out of nothing, we decided to forgo protecting and enhancing these details.
感谢所有参与制作者 / Thanks to our participating members:
总监 / Script: 威德林
压制 / Encode: 艾莉丝
整理 / Collate: 雪之烬
发布 / Upload: 露易丝
分流 / Seed: VCB-Studio CDN 分流成员
VCB-Studio 已不再保证收集作品相关 CD 和扫图资源,详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331 for more information about that VCB-Studio will no longer guarantee to include relevant CDs and scans.
本组(不)定期招募新成员。详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986 about information of our (un)scheduled recruitment.
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Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)