偶像☆妹妹 / IDOL SISTER / アイドル☆シスター
Encode: StrangeSub
中文简体字幕来自 宵夜字幕组,因为该组的中文简体字幕是为 DVD 720P 适配的,因此我们进行了二次编辑并纠正了字幕的显示问题。
The Simplified Chinese subtitles are from the 宵夜字幕组. Since their original subtitles were designed for DVD 720P, We made a second edit to correct some display issues with the subtitles.
Thanks to them for elaborating subtitles.
The source video quality is quite good. We use multiple neural network models for compensatory sharpening and adaptive denoising.
Comparison images: https://slow.pics/c/prssgayh
我们使用了多个神经网络模型对漫画进行消除 JPEG 压缩伪影、摩尔纹伪影,并恢复漫画中的网点。
We used multiple neural network models to remove JPEG artifacts, moiré artifacts, and restore halftone dots in the manga.
Comparison images: https://slow.pics/c/s5QEsgw9
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thanks to all resource providers:
CD:没有找到原始资源提供者 / No original resource provider found.
Manga:没有找到原始资源提供者 / No original resource provider found.
本组作品首发于:acg.rip | sukebei.nyaa.si
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