Welcome to the world of Violet Evergarden.
如果您只需要字幕,请从 https://violet.subbers.org/ 下载。另外字体也请从https://violet.subbers.org/下载。
For the subtitles and fonts, you may download them separately from https://violet.subbers.org/.
如果您需要5.1ch音轨(仅Theater version),请下载另行发布的FLAC外挂音轨或DTS-HDMA外挂音轨。
For the 5.1ch tracks (only for theater versions), download the dedicated mka tracks: FLAC, DTS-HDMA.
For the music and scans, download from the 1080p vers: AVC, HEVC.
You are NOT allowed to repost this torrent, or to redistribute/include/refer to any part that related to this torrent, on Nyaa.
本版本为四部Theater version和Extra Episode的4K upscale版本,采用HEVC Level 6@Main 4:4:4 12 profile,不兼容任何现存的硬件解码/播放设备,并需要相当性能的CPU以流畅解码。
This is the 4K upscale of the 4 theater versions and extra episode. All the videos are encoded with HEVC Level 6@Main 4:4:4 12 profile, thus not compatible with any current hardware decoder/player, and a rather powerful CPU is required to playback smoothly.
推荐使用桌面版Intel Core i7 4770以上(不包括4820K 4930K 4960X)、桌面版Core i5 8400以上、桌面版AMD Ryzen 5 1600(X)或Ryzen 7处理器配合最新x64版播放器、解码器播放。
所有移动版处理器、第4世代(Haswell/Haswell-E)以前的Intel Core i7、第6世代(Skylake)以前的Intel Core i5、第8世代(Coffee Lake)以前的Intel Core i3、所有Intel Pentium、所有Intel Celeron、所有Intel Atom、除Ryzen 5和Ryzen 7以外的所有AMD处理器均不可能流畅播放。
A desktop version of Intel Core i7 4770 or higher (except for 4820K 4930K and 4960X), or a desktop version of Core i5 8400 or higher, or a desktop version of Ryzen 5 1600(X) or Ryzen 7 CPU is recommended for smoothly playback. A latest x64 player/decoder is required.
All mobile CPUs, Intel Core i7 before Haswell/Haswell-E (<4th Gen), Intel Core i5 before Skylake (<6th Gen), Intel Core i3 before Coffee Lake (<8th Gen), all Intel Pentium, all Intel Celeron, all Intel Atom, all AMD CPUs except for Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 7 are unlikely to be able to playback smoothly.
It is impossible to playback smoothly with an outdated decoder. DirectVobSub may also be problematic.
Never ask me or claim an issue for jerky playback. Update your software and hardware (or download another version) instead.
根据之前一部分观众的要求,本版本(4K-YUV444P12)没有进行色域转换(沿用BD的Bt. 709),不能正确识别色彩信号的软硬件会出现颜色不正常的现象。
This version follows the Bt. 709 color space without any conversion. Therefore, there will be a color conversion issue with if software or hardware ignores the color signals (mostly assumes Bt. 2020 for 4K, which is required by ITU).
The following software-hardware combinations (with latest x86-64 versions softwares/drivers and default settings) are confirmed to be able to render accurately:
1. madvr渲染器配合任何播放器、显卡(不使用任何GPU texture units或GPU video logic units) / madvr renderer (when using no GPU texture units or video logic units)
2. macOS下的mpv (vo=gpu)配合任何显卡 / mpv (vo=gpu) with macOS
3. Windows下的mpv (vo=gpu)配合AMD或Nvidia显卡 / mpv (vo=gpu) with Windows and AMD/Nvidia GPU
4. Windows下的mpv (vo=direct3d)配合AMD或Intel显卡 / mpv (vo=direct3d) with Windows and AMD/Intel GPU
5. VideoLan Client(VLC)配合任何操作系统、显卡 / VideoLan Client (VLC)
6. EVR渲染器配合Intel显卡 / EVR with Intel GPU
7. VMR-9渲染器配合AMD或Intel显卡 / VMR-9 with AMD/Intel GPU
8. PotPlayer的Direct 3D 11或OpenGL渲染器配合任何显卡(对于PotPlayer(包括使用madvr、EVR或VMR-9的场合),AMD显卡需要禁用色彩空间/属性-如有可能则直接转换) / PotPlayer's Built-in Direct 3D 11 or OpenGL renderer (For AMD GPU, PotPlayer's direct colorspace conversion should be disabled)
Recommendations: madvr (with any player of your choice) for Windows, mpv or VLC for macOS/Linux.

See you 2020 then.
Yours faithfully,
ssnake, and the fellows of FLsnow