Welcome to the world of Violet Evergarden.
如果您只需要字幕,请从 https://violet.subbers.org/ 下载。另外字体也请从https://violet.subbers.org/下载。
For the subtitles and fonts, you may download them separately from https://violet.subbers.org/.
如果您需要5.1ch音轨(仅Theater version),请下载另行发布的FLAC外挂音轨或DTS-HDMA外挂音轨。
For the 5.1ch tracks (only for theater versions), download the dedicated mka tracks: FLAC, DTS-HDMA.
For the music and scans, download from the 1080p vers: AVC, HEVC.
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本版本为四部Theater version和Extra Episode的4K upscale版本,和先前由Netflix源制作的4K版本类似,采用HEVC Level 5.1@Main 10 profile视频编码及AAC音频编码,以保证硬件兼容性,大部分支持4K规格的现代硬件解码/播放设备均可以流畅播放(请参考TV时的发布帖)。
This is the 4K upscale of the 4 theater versions and extra episode. All the videos/audios are encoded with HEVC Level 5.1@Main 10 profile and AAC, thus should be compatible with most modern hardware decoders/players.
为满足国际电联的规定及大多数设备的要求,本版本(4K-YUV420P10)将色域转换至Bt. 2020。但出于现行软硬件支持的现状,没有遵循国际电联Rec. 2087色域转换要求(如依据Rec. 2087转换,除macOS外的大多数播放器/设备都会出现颜色不正常的问题)。
This version has the colorspace converted to Bt. 2020, to fulfill the requirement of ITU and most devices. However, the conversion is not following the ITU-R Rec. 2087 (since I have encountered color conversion issues with most softwares/hardwares when following the recommendation 2087).
因为macOS正确且严格地遵循了国际电联的标准,所以在macOS上没有任何播放器可以正确渲染本版本。对macOS用户,推荐Bt. 709的YUV444P12版本(如果你使用的是2017年以后版本的iMac/iMac Pro)。
As macOS strictly and correctly follows the recommendations of ITU, there is no player that can render this version accurately on macOS. I recommend the YUV444P12 version in Bt. 709 for iMac (Mid-2017) and iMac Pro users.

See you 2020 then.
Yours faithfully,
ssnake, and the fellows of FLsnow